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Pumpkin oil cosmetic properties: fall protection and anti-aging natural

The cosmetic properties of the oil pumpkin should not be underestimated. Is not employed, who takes care of itself with natural products such as linseed oil or coconut oil, but still has the characteristics that could interest those who, until now, did not even know of its use in cosmetics. The pumpkin seed oil is extracted from the seeds, it has a high percentage of phytosterols - this makes it perfect for those suffering from prostatic hypertrophy -, vitamins, fatty acids, iron, selenium and zinc. Thanks to its special composition, the pumpkin seed oil can be used as anti-wrinkle natural as elasticity of the skin, as a remedy for acne and seborrhea, even as a tonic for hair: amino acids and zinc work together to accelerate the growth of hair and to reduce their fall.

So not only the pulp of the pumpkin and its seeds have excellent properties, but also the cold-pressed oil. I suggest you specify that you want "cold-pressed" to your herbalist trust because that means that, during the process of transformation, has ecology vitamins, fatty acids and minerals.

Pumpkin oil cosmetic properties: fall protection and anti-aging natural

Learn here all the beneficial properties of pumpkin and its seeds

There is an important difference that needs to be done. There is the pumpkin oil is not refined oil refined Pumpkin: the first is a dark green, almost black, has a strong smell and, once spread on the skin and hair does not go away easily; the second, however, is yellowish, is odorless and is more difficult to find. The pumpkin seed oil unrefined is most recommended for beauty treatments.

Let's move on, now, the cosmetic properties of the oil pumpkin seed most studied and explaining the preparation of creams, face masks and simple treatments for hair:

    The pumpkin oil has an anti-fall natural hair (here the other tips for your hair): Does this property is due to sterols they contain, which block the enzyme 5-alpha reductase and convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Just put a few drops of pumpkin oil on dry hair, massage your scalp for three minutes and rinse with warm water. Pass a gentle shampoo and conditioner nutritious. This should be repeated twice a week.

    Fatty acids and vitamins pumpkin allow you to have a skin nourished and supple, without considering the anti-aging oil: just add a few drops of pumpkin oil with another oil moisturizer and use the mixture on the affected area , until it is absorbed. You can also get a mask anti-acne: Use ten drops of pumpkin oil and a handful of green clay, keep it on for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer.

    Sunburn heal before with pumpkin oil: just use it, without mixing with other products on the affected area.

These cosmetic properties of pumpkin seed oil cold pressed will persuade you to have a little bottle in your beauty case.


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