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DIY mask for damaged hair that have split ends

Hair can be made strong and shiny by using natural treatments. Unlike commercial products, the purchase of which involves a considerable economic cost, the use of natural treatments has no side effects and you can only use ingredients with really useful active ingredients to cure your problem.

The hair masks to bring the expected results only if used in the right way. This means to apply them constantly and not sporadically and also lay them out correctly, or from the root up to the tip.

To treat damaged hair that have split ends recommend a double treatment, namely the application of a natural mask and do it yourself for split ends, preceded by the use of a vial of Sabina. Sabina is a particular variety of juniper, which grows in very sunny areas. In fact, the plant is poisonous, that's why before being used needs to be treated. Obviously, the treatment will not have to do it, but the vials before being put on the market will be treated properly.

Home remedies for split ends

Masks for dry and damaged hair - DIY Mask for damaged hair posing punteAttendere double the vial of Sabina to take effect, then apply a natural mask DIY egg. Let's see how to prepare your home for damaged hair mask: put in a fairly large bowl one egg yolk and add a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix thoroughly, until a dense and homogeneous mask.

The egg is perfect to cure the weakened hair and is a great ally against hair loss. The wheat germ oil has antioxidant properties to the skin and restructuring properties and nutrients to the hair. Apple vinegar, however, has many useful properties: to shine to the hair, cleanses and revitalizes the scalp, it helps to eliminate split ends, preventing the reappearance and can even be used to clean the brush!

Apply a natural mask for damaged hair for about fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To get more homemade remedies for split ends recipes, don't for get to follow our facebook fanpage.


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